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Please stand by...


Adam is currently MCing a Vogon poetry slam.  

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J.J. forgot her tea, water, and gummy bears??? 

Please stand by...


Scott filed the wrong podcast release forms. Those forms are chartreuse. 

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Episode 1: Forty- Two


Available across podcast networks












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Join the fun on the "Big Friendly Letters" Discord server

Please stand by...


We should've taken the left turn at Magrathea...

Please stand by...


Adam is currently MCing a Vogon poetry slam.  

Please stand by...


All interstellar hyper lanes are closed for Lunch???

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Hemlock is ready for planting

The idea of growing my own poison garden seemed like a lot of fun since I'm a horror author and while I was aware these deadly plants were fragile.  I didn't realize how perfect the environment had to be in order for them to grow. 


The bright side is that my results are completely normal and do to the coronavirus I've had plenty of time for reading.  So it looks like I'll be making a second attempt. 


That being said my first attempt hasn't been a complete loss.  Hemlock like's me even though I nearly starved it to death do to lack of sunlight and overwatered it  oops...  My new LED grow lights really helped bring them back to life and I don't water them as much.  Now they are ready to move into pots.  

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#AuthorJJPhilips, #ParentalBloodshed, #JJsPoidonGarden

Earlier this year a friend and I deiced it would be fun to grow our very own poison gardens. 


We were able to order the seeds for Belladonna, Hemlock, and Mandrake from the "Arcadia Sample Seed Shop" on their Etsy page. 


Like many beautiful things these plants are extremely fragile. 


The Belladonna seeds for example need to endure a 21 day stratification period to replicate the Scottish winter. 


Every day for three weeks the water is changed with an inch of warm water and placed back in the refrigerator to mimic the melting of snow. 


On the 22nd day the seeds are ready for planting.  

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Historic Title

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HorrorHound TV's "The Secret Chamber" is a real place in Fairborn, Ohio

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On HorrorHound TV's "The Secret Chamber" Cherish is our guide into the world of the strange as she tells mystical stories. She is also the owner of The Secret Chamber House of Oddities and Artwork in downtown Fairborn, Ohio. 


Cherish's shop is full of fun items with an interesting past that are all bundled up and ready to take home.  You can watch her show now on HorrorHound TV and then visit her store to see more.


The Secret Chamber House of Oddities and Artwork: 17 West Main Street Fairborn, Ohio


Visit her facebook page for store hours:


Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.


Celeste Marcus sits down with J.J. Philips for a

Raw and Uncensored look at Parental Bloodshed.

Available Now on Facebook: @itsjjphilips,, and YouTube: J.J. Philips

This is my story. Life and experance isn't a pissing competition of who's had it the hardest. We've all had to deal with tough situtions that have left scars. I only share this as a record of the events that helped shape me as a person.

Based on the current physologilal labels I am a social introvert. If you look at my family dynamic you'll realize that my social inversion was a recess trait that was pushed to the front once a tramatic event occured. That event was my second grade teacher. Unfortunitly my second teacher wasn't equped to handle a class larger than 25 stundets. I missed the first couple days of the school year so with my arrival 


Let me Introduce myself

My name is Scooter and I am a non-practicing writer.  What does that mean?  I means that I am not currently writing creatively.  If my writing was a physical structure then it would be a house that was started during the market collapse. But like the market when the bubble popped so did my creative endeavors. 

While I've techically been working since 13 cutting grass with my grandparents lawncare business to consurtion in high school then a version of retail ever since. When the housing market was getting bailed out my creativitiy died. 

I personally believe that you make time for what's important though I also know that working two jobs in order to provide a roof and food over your head while trying to climb out of the valley of debt that sometimes what's important is sleep. 

15 years is a long time to live without my creative voice.  In the 90's our version of "Keep Calm and Carry On" was (insert image" is life.  We'll writing for me is life. It's my happy place and hopfully this will spark my imagination. 


If you don't have something constructive to say then...

Oh, faceless internet how you entertain me.  I'm 43 which means I grew up in the dark ages of technology.  In High School I had a word processor which was basically a typewriter with a disk drive.  I didn't get my first computer and dial up internet until the summer of '97.  I bring this up because now digital content creation and consumption consumes a majority of our idle time. 

Art is subjective.  As a creator we are taught that people will bring their own baggage to our work.  That baggage can either strengthen the bond between you and your audience or it will sever it.  Now, it's okay if you don't like something.  Within the social media world, we live in it's perfectly acceptable to provided unsolicited remarks on any topic.    

Within the creative community we call this "Constructive Criticism."  The rule of thumb is for every negative comment you must provide a positive one.  Successful critics will dig deep into the piece to provide an explanation on why it didn't work for them and offer a solution on how the piece could have been presented in a different way.  While it's the creator's job to create a bridge to their work we
shouldn't rush to burn it because hot takes get clicks. 

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"You don't want to be the monster that dances with my demons."


-  J.J. Philips



Author of the award winning novel "Parental Bloodshed"

J.J.'s Author Bio Photo was taken by Chet King of Hexfyre Photography with models: Joe Clawson, Tommy Geiger and Chris McFarland


Scooters Corner of Twitter

January 13, 2022

#scooter2621 #scot

Once Upon a Poem...

My fifth-grade classmates were busy scribbling their thoughts down as I slide into my desk.  The teacher announced, "you can finish your poems at home please get out your science books."  As the room erupted with the sounds of crumbling paper as my peers switched for the next course I asked, "what are you working on?"  "A poem for the contest" said my neighbor pointing to the chalk board. 

The phrase "Where does the sky end" was scratched across the green chalk board.  I quickly wrote down the prompt as the teacher walked to the front of the class and started erasing the prompt as we moved on to our science discussion.  The phrase struck me like a lightning bolt it was all that I could think about.  Later, on the bus I pulled out a notebook and scratched away at my poem.  When I got home, I rushed to the kitchen table and finished crafting my award-winning poem.  

"Where does the sky end" was the theme for the 1990 PTA Cultural Arts competition.  As a student with a Learning Disability, I wasn't expected to enter the contest.  The contest didn't have a category for learning disabled students, so the school wasn't sure what to do with my poem.  After a conversation with my teachers, parents, the principle, and possibly the superintendent my poem was entered into the contest.  My poem would go on to win first place in the school, city, and finish tied for 3rd place in the State of Ohio.  The ribbons and awards were nice but, it was the introduction to creative writing that changed my life. 

Scooters Corner of Twitter

A creative journey of a non-practicing writer 

Over the years I've adopted three mantras to center my life. 
1. Control what I can control. 
2. Push myself to be the best version of me.
3. Assosate with people that care about the endeavor as much as you do. 
We all have been tested throughout our lives. This isn't a compition of who's life has been more difficult. Trust me I know that people have had worse things to overcome and my perspective is that others have h


As a white male from a suburban home with his parents still married I have lived a charmed life in the eyes of many.  I am not blind that we live in a world were people in a position of power might look at my gender and skin tone to provide a favorable desision.  I can tell you that from my perspective it have never felt that way. 

life has been an uphill battle since second grade. You see in the 80's we didn't have a way to expose the abuse of power.  As a young man I loved school and I had develped a childhood crush on my soon to be second grade teacher.  So imagine my dissappointment when I was sick the first couple days of my second grade school year.  Unfortunitly my teacher was overwhelmed once her class exceeded 25 students. A handful of us were labeled as problem childern just for missing the first day or two of class.     


The keyboard is the key to the world

A few ground rules

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1997 - 2002

Is this thing on?

Happy New Year!

Hello and welcome to "Scooters Corner of Twitter".  At the end of 2021 my podcast "The Movie Clerks" with co-host Adam Christopher and so we could focus on our individual creative endeavors.  I love movies and enjoy talking about them, but it was time for me to return to my writing roots. 

I've been a non-practicing writer for nearly 15 years.  Now I've stayed creativity active through my work as manager for horror author J.J. Philips manager.  J.J.'s award winning novel "Parental Bloodshed" is a must read if you enjoy feminist cannibals' and character driven stories told with a cinematic vibe (visit for more information).

Through my friendship with J.J. I have met some very talented and cool people within the horror genre.  I enjoy aspects of the horror genre, but my creative passion lives within the science fiction genre.  I read very little genre fiction to keep my mind clear from "interference".  However, I watch plenty of science fiction films so that's the type of double standard you and expect from this page. 

"Scooters Corner of Twitter" is my digital sandbox.  It's a place for me to share ideas, tell stories, and more importantly get back to writing on the regularly.  The goal is to publish something once a week (probably on Thursdays).  It's a sandbox.  It gets raked everyday so you never know what I might be up to.
Thank you for stopping by maybe I'll see you next week.

Is this thing on?

Hello and welcome to my tiny little corner of Twitter.  Throughout human history we have wanted to leave our mark on this world and tell our stories.  Thanks to social media platforms it has never been easier for us to share our collective thoughts and ideas.  

I recently turned 43 which means that I no longer have all the answers to life and everything in it.  Though I lost all knowledge I did gain prospective.  This corner of Twitter is merely my modern-day cave wall.  It's a place for me scribble my thoughts, share my ideas, and stories.  Maybe it will spark a conversation, maybe it won't.  However, the content shared within this space isn't intended of an audience outside of myself.  

I'm a non-practicing writer and it's time for me to return to my roots and find my creative rhythm.  In short this is a public journal.  I've struggled with journaling my whole life I don't want to use the word boring but it's never held my attention.  So, in the age of self-importance, I figure this might be a good place to work on formulating my thoughts and ideas.  No promises, no expectations.  If you don't like it that's fine just move along this isn't the content you're looking for.  

Yes, I know that this is Twitter.  However, every community is built on a foundation of what is and is not acceptable behavior for their community.  Consider this your beware sign to my corner of Twitter. 

Aspiring creative type at work.  While this platform hopes to inspire constructive conversation, its content is not intended for you or with you in mind.  It is merely the formation of ideas in a semi polished format that allows on lookers to rubberneck at the fiery crash. This space is reserved for my creative animal to run, splashing, & play. 

Either Scooter or Twitter is responsible for the discovery of any dead bodies discovered within the property of Scooters Corner of Twitter.  Read and comment at your own risk. 

In short you might not agree with my ramblings, ideas, grammar, topics, font, or use of colors and that's okay because this is merely a tiny thread within the tapestry of social media.  For those of you that like my dumpster fire welcome to my creative purgatory


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